Friday, January 20, 2012

Why do librals get mad when republicans spend deficit money?

I have heard librals saying that republicans actually spend more deficite money than democrats histroically.

But Rush and Beck tell me that librals like to spend deficit moneys, so why are they mad only when we spend lots of deficite money?

That seems like hipocryts to me.|||hipocryt is misspelled. It is hippocript- a building containing the bodies

of dead hippos. Histroically is misspelled. It is hysterically- the

liberals go into hysterics when even a penny of public funds is withheld from them.|||Can't argue that logic.... guess I'm voting GOP from now on.|||I think deficit spending has become the status quo no matter which party is in control.

Seems there are a lot of hypocrites on both sides with regard to spending.|||in 8 months obama has spent ten times what bush did in 8 years

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