Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dosnt it just make you mad when your parents ask for Money that you worked hard for?

Uhhhhhhhhh i get so frustrated:(

And they take forever to pay me back:(|||Some parents will decide that once you start working you need to learn responsibilty and charge you rent. That sucks worse, at least when they borrow it you might get it back.|||Hey,..they raised you. Did you pay THEM back for all they did ? :)|||It looks like you're getting pimped buddy. The problem is you don't have any 12-inch pumps, mini-skirt, Lee press on nail, and lipstick on.|||No, because I owe them a lot.|||your parent's have some serious issues if they're asking you for money|||thats why you tell hem that you spent it all already:)|||i get frustrated when my son who's 20 and unemployed asks ME for money... thinking in owe him something.|||i dont think my mom has ever asked me for money.

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