Friday, January 27, 2012

Were you impressed to see Hillary on Cramer's "Mad Money"?

She is the only one of the Presidential contenders who accepted his invitation to answer his questions. While I do not agree with her, I have to give her a lot of credit for appearing and answering his questions. Can't wait to see if Obama or McCain will come on and answer policy questions, too.|||Hillary showed a remarkable knowledge of the factors affecting the economy and the capital markets. She has real details and real plans. Obama just loves to go before adoring crowds of 20-year-olds and orate. He doesn't do nearly as well unscripted. I wouldn't count on an appearance by McCain. Too hard--math!|||No|||if she really wants to impress me,she should try suicide|||I didnt see it.

What did she say?|||Lets see what the others have to say before we pass judgment.|||Cramer sucks. He totally told me not to worry about Bear Stearns.|||I use to pay good money for Cramer's advice, Turns out he wasn't any better than I was at picking stocks. The both of them carry very little weight in my book. All talk with very little substance.|||Yes...She made some true statements and offered solutions.

Obama is still making vote enticement statements with no back bone or anything to back it up with.|||i cant belive a man woud say such horid things?|||Obama's a coward and can't think on his feet and McCain has no advantage to look weak on the economy at this time.|||Very appropriate-her health care plan is "mad" and Hillary Care failed the first time.

It is "mad" to force people to buy something they may not need. Sen. Obama has a plan that will actually pass Congress.|||Not that I am a fan of Howard Dean's screaming money cousin but I am sure they might, just to prove they can talk about money and to get the free publicity.

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