Friday, January 20, 2012

Are you mad americans are spending there money towards fast food food?

I'm going to admit to you right now, i'm pretty mad americans are spending there money on Fast food, and not at retail stores, who needs our help, i mean during these hard times with our economy, why are there americans who cutting back there spending. while making sure they have enough to eat a Hamburger at Mcdonald's|||Oh get off your high horse. I can cook a tray of fries at home, a cheap vegetable and go to McDonald's and buy 2 chicken sandwiches for $2.00. That saves me about $7.00 if I made the sandwiches myself..

It is not wasteful, it is cheaper than real food. Have you been to the grocery store lately???|||Oh, I'm absolutely furious.|||I'm not mad. I often go to fast food restaurants, even before the economic collapse.

A hamburger at McDonald's costs around 70 cents. What can we possibly buy at a retail store for so cheap? A candy bar? I think the hamburger would be more nutritious.|||Why are you mad? Both establishments employ people. At least most of the s**t at fast food restaurants was actually made in the United States. One thing we still produce a lot of is food products.

And technically speaking, McDonalds is a retail store. Instead of owning a possession you just poop the product out the next day (or in some case the next hour).|||For those of us that can't cook without burning things down, it's a lifesaver. Literally!!

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